
Saturday, 4 December 2010

Poster Set 04 - The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (Again)

Original pic

Original pic


(I had a link, but it stopped working)

So, about the updates:

I'm sorry for taking so long time to get this online.
It was suppose to be uploaded the 4th (Eclipse DVD release)
but my internet hates me - it so bad I have to be really lucky
to be able to upload something. I'll change internet connection in January.

I was also suppose to have uploaded Poster Set 03
(And no, I'm not telling you what it is.
A clue is that all the pictures are from TS3, and they don't have sims in them.
I can also tell you that there's 10 different paintings in it.
sometime in November. But a bitchy internet stopped it.
So that's why the number is wrong.
PS03 will be uploaded, but don't ask me when.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Friday, 1 October 2010

I love shoes

I've had alot of problems with my computer, and it was being repaired
this/last week. I got it back the day before yesterday.

More good news are that the problem was the computer's motherboard,
not the hardware.


Plus Kitteh has her own computer now,
so I'll probably be able to have more time at the computer.
But I'm also getting grades for the first time this christmas.
I'll have to focus more on school then I did last year.

To celebrate that I can upload stuff now,
here's a random picture:

Yes. WoW characters can have plumbobs.

Pink plumbobs!

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Bad fucking news

Copied from SPAMALOT:

We haven't been able to start the computer this weekend.
We have to remove all the files to make it work.
I was going to save the files, but I can't.

They will be gone. Dead. Nonexisting.

Everything we have on our computer will be lost forever.

And it's the same for all our sims.
Our pictures who aren't saved at PB.
Our packages folder.
The CC unuploaded CC we'e made.

The good news is that the computer will work again!

And I'll try to recreate the makeup I previewed as good as I can.

Saturday, 11 September 2010


Internet doesn't work,
I can't upload pics on blogger.
I have no idea when I'll upload.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Oh Internet You So Random

I was trying to upload some makeup earlier today, but I can't.
I can fix it if I have my mom's laptop, but I won't untill Friday.
The lips aren't changed, but the eyeshadow is.
(Although I didn't change the RC channels)

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

The Hunger Games T-Shirt: Down With The Capitol!

Mockingjay is relesed today,
so I kinda had to make this t-shirt for sims when I saw it.

It's from hot topic, but it isn't online ATM.

IRL t-shirt:

TS3 t-shirt:


Thursday, 12 August 2010

No updates right now, FUCK YOU EA!!!

I have problems with my game because of patching
(thanks alot EA)
and I haven't been able to play this month.

The game crashes while the neighborhoods load.

Read more/Help me here.

I have no idea when I'll be able to upload.


Wednesday, 7 July 2010

T Shirts: Team Edward vs. Team Jacob

I've made Team Edward/Jacob T-Shirts for teenagers!
(Because Twi-Sims are awesome)
I was going to release them the 30th,
but I was so tired after the midnight screening that I forgot.


I get it if most of you don't care about Twilight,
but I won't make Twi-stuff untill the DVD release.

And then there should be about 1 year untill I make something
(nov 2011, BD pt.1)


Tuesday, 6 July 2010

New SPAMALOT, new layout!

This is just SPAM.
Anyway, we have a new SPAMALOT.
And if you read this, you should've noticed that I've changed my layout.
And I'm working on a new sim...

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Poster Set 02 - Lady GaGa

I had to make them.
I saw her live.
The Monster Ball FTW.

Poster 01

Original picture:

In game:

Poster 02

Original picture:

In game:

Poster 03

Original picture:

In game:



Monday, 24 May 2010

''I Was Banned'' T-Shirt

I've made a t-shirt for the holy spammers of Spamalot.

Download it at Spamalot's sharing section... if you can find it :P

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Poster Set 01 - The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Summit ent. released these posters this week,
so I wanted to make them for TS3.

Poster 01

Original picture:

In game:

Poster 02

Original picture:

In game:

Poster 03

Original picture:

In game:

Poster 04

Original picture:

In game:

Poster 05

Original picture:

In game:

Poster 06

Original picture:

In game:



Saturday, 24 April 2010

Problem solved!!!


Janira from ShitCave was also banned
(like many others, besides from me & my sister)
and she has created a new forum.
It's called SPAMALOT. I love her.

Thursday, 22 April 2010


Ok... I'm banned from Sims Cave.
Because of spam. It's really sad,
because I had a huge & funny update with the monster family coming up.
And I was going to upload them to my blog.
And I had some new sims that I was going to show.

I wont update my blog again until I have a forum where I can write about it.

But this can be good, because I'll have time to create many sims so that I can add huge updates when I'm back.


Saturday, 27 February 2010


I've started a blog!!!
I'll upload the sims that I show at Sims Cave here.
